Ranking pools Euro 2024

A pool is included in this ranking when it has at least 5 members. The ranking is calculated by adding up the points of the first 5 members of each pool. Only members that registered to a pool before 6/18/2024 are taken into account.

No. Name Points Member count
2163 Bomenbezorgd 2024 2,294 35
De aftrap 2024 2,294 25
De Nijs-Soffers 2,294 15
D'n Bult 2,294 15
Erkamp EK poule 2024 2,294 25
ExcOelent46 2,294 6
Faja Lobi KDS 5 2,294 10
GdV EK2024 2,294 29
Havantec/Van Zutphen 2,294 17
Heemlanden All-Stars 2,294 31
Heilaren 2,294 32
Hoevelekers 2,294 21
Janssens Nations League pool 2,294 10
Matties app EK Poule 2,294 17
Nassaublauwe leeuwen 2,294 19
Omertàpouls 2,294 21
PGVZ | Zorg met tijd en aandacht 2,294 79
PTWEE EK 2,294 14
Pyrus European Championsship 2,294 36
Sijben & Hupperetz 2,294 17
Sparta zaalboys 2,294 11
supervoorspellers 2,294 11
Supply Chain Dribblers 2,294 12
Vtown 2,294 20