Ranking pools Euro 2024

A pool is included in this ranking when it has at least 5 members. The ranking is calculated by adding up the points of the first 5 members of each pool. Only members that registered to a pool before 6/18/2024 are taken into account.

No. Name Points Member count
1322 Standic EK24 2,331 39
Tpc Eindhoven Noord 2,331 25
1338 Biertrinkende Jungs 2,330 6
Capgemini Invent EK 2024 2,330 41
De Kasianen 2,330 39
De Kiender app 👶 2,330 18
EK mongols 2,330 14
EK"2024 2,330 19
EKR EK 2024 2,330 12
F.C. Delfland 2,330 37
Farmacie 2,330 52
Koning GetSales! 2,330 30
Lariks EK Poule 2,330 35
Lekker boeie 2,330 20
Obw Zat4 2,330 20
Plaatselijke FC 2,330 16
PV Waterschap Brabantse Delta 2,330 81
SC&M EK poule 2,330 25
Snoeks Automotive 2,330 43
TeamCapibara 2,330 19
1357 Bruggertstraße Fußball-EM-Tippspiel 2,329 31
Chinese Tomatensoepballen EK poule 2,329 32
Cup Dubbel D🏆 2,329 13
EKPoule Gemeente Enschede W&I 2,329 44