Ranking pools Euro 2024

A pool is included in this ranking when it has at least 5 members. The ranking is calculated by adding up the points of the first 5 members of each pool. Only members that registered to a pool before 6/18/2024 are taken into account.

No. Name Points Member count
10118 Hoes & Bros 2,020 8
Holy moly 2,020 8
Huize Pip&Planet 2,020 6
Hup hup hup, pak die cup! 2,020 14
HupraEKpoule 2,020 11
Klagende oude mannen 2,020 6
Kleijngeld 2,020 12
knvbcorrupt 2,020 16
La Hommes 2,020 7
LvH 2023-2024 competitie 2,020 13
Mace zijn 1e EK 2,020 7
MatthievanderVoetBalPoel 2,020 6
Meijertjes2024 2,020 6
neejberhood 2,020 8
NLC 2,020 33
NN Claims team 1 2,020 14
NVB Meestervoorspeller EK 2024 2,020 9
peEK 24 🏆 2,020 12
Peeters 2,020 8
Plustoys 2,020 11
PM Poule 2,020 13
Poel des doods 2,020 6
Riepshaib 2,020 10
Schadeservices Achmea Team 6 2,020 8
Schippies&co 2,020 13