Ranking pools Euro 2024

A pool is included in this ranking when it has at least 5 members. The ranking is calculated by adding up the points of the first 5 members of each pool. Only members that registered to a pool before 6/18/2024 are taken into account.

No. Name Points Member count
8447 Geknooi 2,138 11
GTS Eredivisie Jomanda Cup 2,138 16
Hakuna Matata 2,138 9
Heijmans Wonen 2023/2024 2,138 7
Heunings 2,138 6
HL Hogervorst Topscore 2,138 12
IViR Euro 2024 Pool 2,138 21
Kale vaders en Harige moeders EK2024 2,138 7
Kiwa Eredivisie 2024/2025 2,138 7
🐦‍⬛Koekkoeks grote EK Poule festijn 🐦‍⬛ 2,138 10
KP van den Bos Bokaal 2,138 10
La Hommes 2,138 7
les loups EK 2024 2,138 9
Lindeboom Bierbrouwerij 2,138 30
MetDeBooijs 2,138 7
🦁Neem die cup mee naar huis 2,138 11
P8 EK poule 2,138 12
S&V 2,138 10
Schmutzige Männer 2,138 10
Schulte & Lestraden 2,138 17
Slagerijen Kaldenberg 2,138 7
Sleurink 2,138 7
Solidariteit 2,138 10
Stadspaviljoen Voorspellers 2,138 18
TC8L 2,138 17