Ranking pools Eredivisie

A pool is included in this ranking when it has at least 5 members. The ranking is calculated by adding up the points of the first 5 members of each pool. Only members that registered to a pool before 10/1/2024 are taken into account.

No. Name Points Member count
951 De buurtjes @willemijn 2,132 10
De Poelenten 2,132 13
Eredivisie Poule (leuk) 2,132 6
Eredivisie sassenheim 2,132 11
fc van olderen 2,132 11
Langs de zijlijn 2,132 9
RKDES3 2,132 8
Van der Haartjes & Co 2,132 8
VOP 6 2,132 17
Zeeman kampioen 24/25 2,132 15
961 Dutch Courage Voetbal 2,131 8
Posthoorn 2,131 7
Sla ieks 2,131 7
Slettenparade 24/25 2,131 6
WAP-Boys 2,131 6
966 Abrabrouwers 2,130 7
Darts,drinks&Voetbalpoule 2,130 9
Eredivisie hengelo 2,130 8
Familie Weusthof 2,130 6
Justininoranje 2,130 6
Net Nie Haalt 2,130 6
Smit56 2,130 6
TTV LANDGRAAF 2021/2022 2,130 8
TTV LANDGRAAF 2022/2023 2,130 8
975 Ere 24/25 2,129 11