Ranking pools Euro 2024

A pool is included in this ranking when it has at least 5 members. The ranking is calculated by adding up the points of the first 5 members of each pool. Only members that registered to a pool before 6/18/2024 are taken into account.

No. Name Points Member count
1462 Het cryo team 2,099 22
HU Toppers 2,099 25
Jumbo Burgum 2,099 32
Koenjers 2,099 5
MAGNA TYRES 2022-2023 2,099 14
Marrum EK-poule 2024 2,099 42
Media Dogs & Speld & vrienden 2,099 25
Meester voorspellers Arnhem-Elden 2,099 27
MMIZ EK pool 2024 2,099 41
Prinsje EK poule 24 2,099 18
Pronsweide 2,099 28
Rademakerpoule 2,099 20
Renewi M&W 2,099 32
Sarto 17 EK Poule 2,099 11
Schipper Kozijnen EK 24 poule 2,099 53
The Know It Alls Eredivisie 23/24 2,099 41
Verzuimbeheer 2,099 11
Vetipool 2,099 97
Vivera EK-Poule 2024 2,099 110
Zandbergen WFM 2,099 20
1496 AAV Finance & Risk 2,098 20
Alcedo EK24 2,098 16
Alphabet EK poule 2024 2,098 17
Arcadis Football pool 2,098 45
Arteta fanclub 2,098 10