Ranking pools Euro 2024

A pool is included in this ranking when it has at least 5 members. The ranking is calculated by adding up the points of the first 5 members of each pool. Only members that registered to a pool before 6/18/2024 are taken into account.

No. Name Points Member count
14173 Connectic 1,716 5
De Broezen! 1,716 5
De Munnen 1,716 9
Egomokum’s Mooisten 1,716 6
EK Voetbal Blouw Afbouw 1,716 13
EK2024 Menheerse lieken 1,716 9
Herren Fristi 1,716 6
Judith 1,716 7
Kaasmaatjes 1,716 10
Keytown 1,716 17
Koningen 1,716 6
Lonneker 1,716 9
Malloot 1,716 6
Mega EK Poules 1,716 6
Net Poes 1,716 5
NSL - EURO 2024 1,716 8
Old-USRS 1,716 8
Oranje123 1,716 6
Orffa EK 2024 Pool 1,716 16
Pouliepoulie!! 1,716 6
Roef6in1 1,716 10
Slova EK 1,716 5
VC4Aers 1,716 7
Veur 1,716 6