Ranking pools Euro 2024

A pool is included in this ranking when it has at least 5 members. The ranking is calculated by adding up the points of the first 5 members of each pool. Only members that registered to a pool before 6/18/2024 are taken into account.

No. Name Points Member count
12204 Boodschappen in Duitsland 2,051 5
De Koetjes 2,051 6
De Loonslaafjes 2,051 5
De orang-oetans 2,051 7
Debielenvereniging 045 2,051 8
Der Familien-Fußball-Pool 2,051 9
Der Uwe Euro 2024 2,051 6
EK 2024 Alkmaar Amsterdam 2,051 13
EK 2024 Poenies 2,051 12
Ek geel wit 2,051 15
Fam Klijnstra 2,051 6
FC Cast masters 2,051 16
Fietsploeg 24 2,051 5
Firepool EK 2024 2,051 6
Issa Fissa 2,051 12
Jo15 3 2,051 14
Mali 2,051 6
Meester Aafjes 2,051 8
MH goktent 2,051 8
Mick goes Reeuwijkse plas 2,051 6
MijnEK2024Pool 2,051 8
Muskebiers in Oranje 2,051 5
OranjeLee(uw)denpoule 2,051 15
PadelBoysEkPoultje 2,051 8