Ranking pools Euro 2024

A pool is included in this ranking when it has at least 5 members. The ranking is calculated by adding up the points of the first 5 members of each pool. Only members that registered to a pool before 6/18/2024 are taken into account.

No. Name Points Member count
10651 La Piscine 2,090 8
Lamchis 2,090 6
Mopo ek poule 2,090 11
Noordwijk 2,090 10
OK6666666 2,090 6
OTC Meiden 2,090 8
Papa’s 2,090 5
Pollux H1 2,090 7
Ranking The Freunden "Bondscoach Editie" 2,090 13
TABA JO13-1 2,090 20
Team Centrum 2,090 13
Trappizza 2,090 5
Voetbalgekkies for all 2,090 14
10688 5musketiers en schurft 2,089 6
Alleenvoorechtemannenmetverstandvanvoetbal 2,089 15
Allesweters050 2,089 8
Bax-Boys 2,089 8
BurovoordeBoeg 2,089 11
Country Golf Ees 2,089 8
CYB3RW4RRI0RZ 2,089 9
De 3 fams 🦁⚽️ 2,089 12
De bunnies 2,089 8
De grasmaaiers 2,089 19
De oranjetuin 2,089 7
De Vries EK24 poule 2,089 8