Ranking pools Euro 2024

A pool is included in this ranking when it has at least 5 members. The ranking is calculated by adding up the points of the first 5 members of each pool. Only members that registered to a pool before 6/18/2024 are taken into account.

No. Name Points Member count
880 Peelpartners EK 2024 1,868 15
Sanders|Fritom 1,868 52
Sc Millingen 3 1,868 21
Team Toezicht 1,868 28
Thebe Behandeling EK 2024 1,868 35
Toekanpioen EK 24 1,868 60
United Alvasi 1,868 11
Ventus EK 2024 1,868 27
VHC 1,868 27
Vodafone EK2024 1,868 19
WHChampionship 1,868 42
Wijzen uit het Oosten 1,868 36
913 Altijd-Oranje-Boven 1,867 46
bol - Logistics Operations 1,867 55
BUVA ‘Samen Slim Voorspellen’ 1,867 38
Den GeitenwollensoccEK-poule 1,867 41
Doevedevisie 1,867 17
EK poule 🇩🇪 CBS 1,867 21
EK Poule Breda Vrienden 2024 1,867 33
EK Poule KLM 1,867 27
EK Poule Wilsum 1,867 11
EK2024VIANEN 1,867 42
Gebr. Nederpel Potplanten 1,867 29
It's coming home 1,867 25
La Place EK poule 1,867 27