Ranking pools Euro 2024

A pool is included in this ranking when it has at least 5 members. The ranking is calculated by adding up the points of the first 5 members of each pool. Only members that registered to a pool before 6/18/2024 are taken into account.

No. Name Points Member count
8275 PB EK 2024 2,018 20
Peermusic Euro-pool 2,018 9
PRLG EK 2024 2,018 11
Reining 2,018 19
Samen Zijn! 2,018 18
Schlatties 2,018 6
SEES! 2,018 17
smitjes club 2,018 12
Sport en Bewegen Hilversum 2,018 17
Ten Hove 2,018 8
TGO Team 1 2,018 11
The Castellani's 2,018 7
Tukkertjes 2,018 7
van der Vendel & Greydanus 2,018 7
Vitens Binnendienst Leveren 2,018 18
VMBO Maastricht EK 2024! 2,018 18
VRH EK 2024 2,018 19
Warmerdam EK voorspellers 2,018 8
Wodanboys 2,018 13
8345 078 Oranje 2 2,017 9
Allservices EK 2024 2,017 21
Arnhemsgespuis 2,017 11
B.B. Ek poule 2,017 9
Bake Five 2,017 22
Ballie vvh 2,017 9