Ranking pools Euro 2024

A pool is included in this ranking when it has at least 5 members. The ranking is calculated by adding up the points of the first 5 members of each pool. Only members that registered to a pool before 6/18/2024 are taken into account.

No. Name Points Member count
8075 Ek Deutschland 1,969 6
Ek2024jawel 1,969 9
EKortmann 2024 poule 1,969 13
Familie Nijmeijer 1,969 7
Familie Vrielink ⚽️ 1,969 7
Fc boemgeil 1,969 12
FC Peckiuslaan 1,969 10
Fleisch EK 2024 1,969 10
GDV voetbalpoule 1,969 14
Hangover69 1,969 8
Haut de bal vast 1,969 14
HKT 1,969 11
Ikazia 🥳 1,969 13
Instatera 1,969 25
Jägermeister 1,969 11
Kampioen100 1,969 13
Koemannen 1,969 20
La Fontaine Rijswijk 1,969 11
Lastige mins 1,969 6
Leuk! EK 2024 1,969 6
Limid ek poule 1,969 10
Linkse deugclub 1,969 5
Maties van Oranje 1,969 17
NotjesEKStars 1,969 6
Nuenen 1,969 11