Ranking pools Euro 2024

A pool is included in this ranking when it has at least 5 members. The ranking is calculated by adding up the points of the first 5 members of each pool. Only members that registered to a pool before 6/18/2024 are taken into account.

No. Name Points Member count
7496 Nederland naar de 1/8e finale! 1,843 15
Nuenen 1,843 11
Octopus Paul's Protegés 1,843 9
OHA 1,843 18
PAB - Animal 1,843 12
Pakhuis EK poule 2024 1,843 16
Proletariaat 1,843 6
Proud People 1,843 15
Schrijers 1,843 9
Schuurman(hoeve) 1,843 5
Scorito Rotterdam 1,843 14
Semmie Steijn EK Pool 1,843 7
Smoozz ek-poule 1,843 14
SVH Dames 1,843 16
Tafkaz 1,843 9
TEAM 6.1 1,843 13
TETn 1,843 9
the boys 1970 1,843 11
Uberstoto 1,843 8
van (R)ooijen 1,843 8
van Beek/ van Munsteren EK Poule 1,843 10
VNAB 1,843 17
Vrienden van 033 1,843 17
Vronesteyn 1,843 5
Waaghalzen EK 2024 1,843 14