Ranking pools Euro 2024

A pool is included in this ranking when it has at least 5 members. The ranking is calculated by adding up the points of the first 5 members of each pool. Only members that registered to a pool before 6/18/2024 are taken into account.

No. Name Points Member count
7087 Ek tingie 2,038 7
EK24Voorspellerij 2,038 8
EURO24_PM 2,038 10
Faas Trimbeets 2,038 11
Familie Meulman 2,038 11
Family dudes EK 2,038 9
Feyenoordboys 2024 ek poule 2,038 13
Fysiq Vision EK poule 2024 2,038 25
Heiden family 2,038 8
Heineken Pils 🍻 2,038 9
Hendig 2,038 5
In den Wijngaert 2,038 13
Juliana Selectiebende 2,038 19
Jumbo hub Zwolle 2,038 43
Kapelstraat 10 2,038 7
Koffie ouhlleh 2,038 6
Kokken op het kampioenschap 2,038 11
Lauwe cup 2,038 7
Legoalitas 2,038 14
NCL - EK POULE 2,038 11
Oost, Knott en co 2,038 15
Recruitment EK Pool 2,038 13
REVALIER 2,038 15
Rondoballo EK2024 2,038 9
SBK 2,038 26