Ranking pools Euro 2024

A pool is included in this ranking when it has at least 5 members. The ranking is calculated by adding up the points of the first 5 members of each pool. Only members that registered to a pool before 6/18/2024 are taken into account.

No. Name Points Member count
6224 SLEWE EK POULE 2,185 11
Sociaal Werk Nederland EK Pool 2024 2,185 12
Sportlink Voetbalpoule 2,185 11
sv Colmschate'33 2,185 39
TEN Advocaten 2,185 21
Van dijkjess⚽️⚽️ 2,185 6
Voorlopige selectie 17-1 2,185 18
Wekerom 2,185 10
Wessies en van triestjes 2,185 6
Wiedijk 2,185 20
Yulius Poule 2,185 24
Zaelke Power Eredivisie 2,185 15
Zon zuipen mais 2,185 6
6272 #BankZitterVoorDeDrinkersss!!! 2,184 6
00W67 2,184 11
4PS 2,184 16
Ajax - voor de toekomst 2,184 5
Arie Rost 'm erin 2,184 6
Bovenweg 10 2,184 13
Brian B 😍 2,184 14
Cbt - Oranjekoorts 2,184 16
De broajers 2,184 9
De CM EK Poule 2,184 18
De Kleijn 2,184 13
De Sluijsjes 2,184 9