Ranking pools Euro 2024

A pool is included in this ranking when it has at least 5 members. The ranking is calculated by adding up the points of the first 5 members of each pool. Only members that registered to a pool before 6/18/2024 are taken into account.

No. Name Points Member count
4621 AccuEuros 2,118 13
Acht 6 poule 2,118 11
Baardwijk 35+ EK Poule 2024 2,118 16
Berdal voorspellingen 2,118 19
BVHL 2,118 12
De Compaen 2,118 25
De muur 2,118 7
De uultjes 2,118 21
Dick black cock 2,118 6
Die Gekke Voetbalsjiekebois hielemoal oet Laoneke 2,118 8
EK 2024 - VEI 2,118 18
EK 2024 GBC 2,118 8
EK 2024 Poule’tje 2,118 30
EK 2024 Revanche of the DumVries? 2,118 15
EK '24 De Fam 2,118 16
EK poule Jansen/Lammertink 2,118 6
Ek2024 snitsel 2,118 10
EPD GSC 24 2,118 9
Eredivisie VOW ⚽️🧡 2,118 16
FamvanEik en aanhang 2,118 16
Fc poulepret 2,118 7
FC_Leiden 2,118 19
FinanceFactor 2,118 14
Friends & Family 2,118 17
Gewouwellende 2,118 8