Ranking pools Euro 2024

A pool is included in this ranking when it has at least 5 members. The ranking is calculated by adding up the points of the first 5 members of each pool. Only members that registered to a pool before 6/18/2024 are taken into account.

No. Name Points Member count
4474 OVM EK 2024 voetbalpoule 2,225 23
PinksterPauwpers 2,225 11
Project OV2324 2,225 21
Team Doremieke 2,225 22
Team Durvt 2,225 10
THIM 2,225 15
WeBlog EK Poule 2024 2,225 10
Weekend weg🎉🍻 2,225 18
Weespersluis United 2,225 21
4508 Biergarten EK 2,224 13
BT Delft - A ploeg 2,224 12
Crown international 2,224 12
De leven EK 2024 2,224 12
De Vrienden Vriendenteam 2,224 17
Deventer2024 2,224 24
Dostana EK 2,224 20
Dynamic Credit 2024 - EK 2,224 20
EK fuifje 2,224 15
EK Pool Wageningen 2,224 22
EK poule familie en vrienden 2,224 10
EK poule Krek Gek 2,224 8
Ek poule Rabo verzekeren LH 2,224 20
EKpouleee 2,224 11
ENRW poule 2,224 11
Excellence AG IT BV 2,224 14