Ranking pools Copa América 2024

A pool is included in this ranking when it has at least 5 members. The ranking is calculated by adding up the points of the first 5 members of each pool. Only members that registered to a pool before 6/25/2024 are taken into account.

No. Name Points Member count
99 Heren van andere meneren 729 6
102 flatexDEGIRO 727 5
103 Copa América Humboldt 2024 725 9
Eurocopa24 Humboldt 725 11
105 Alkmaar Boys 721 6
Alkmaar Boys Copa America 721 6
107 CHILEEEE 717 5
108 Copa América Rodríguez Petrocelli & Asociados 714 8
109 Neutrale Kijkers 696 5
110 Eurocopa 2024 Rodriguez 687 5
111 Analistas 668 6
112 Copa America NL 658 5
ek 2024 helmos 658 5
114 Mocro Inside Azië cup 647 5
115 Het EK voetbal van heel Dichtbij 613 5
116 Del Monte II 592 6
117 Copa nigross 583 6
De jostiesss 583 6
119 FLD CopaAmérica2024 563 7
FLD Euro2024 563 7
121 MOCRO INSIDE kenners CL 490 6
122 Centro Juve’s Copa America Predictions 473 7
123 De flikkers Copa 438 5
124 Copa America entre amigos 2024 377 6
125 EK M&G Group 350 7